The summer months have been getting hotter in the last few years. At this time, it can be hard for everyone, especially expectant mothers. The burning sun, high temperature, high humidity of the air very often cause a variety of ailments.

So, what problems can the expectant mother face due to the heat?

  • Swelling of the legs, aggravated by circulatory disorders.
  • Redness on the skin and age spots caused by bright sunlight
  • Excessive sweating, especially during pregnancy, because then the female body produces more heat.
  •  Probability of passing out

So, now do not get pregnant for the summer period? πŸ˜…
We are always for getting pregnant!

But try to stick to some summer rules πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

How to dress?

  • Prefer bright things and natural materials that "breathe"
  • Choose the most free things
  • If possible, cover your skin. Wear light cotton long sleeve shirts, light trousers, long dresses

What to eat ?

  • Choose light and healthy lunches and dinners
  • Cook more dishes with vegetables, also give preference to fresh salads.
  • Dairy products are cold - they are easy and pleasant to eat in the heat, they are also very useful during pregnancy.
  • Learn more about products that create swelling, and which, on the contrary, remove them.
  • Sweet retains water in the body and overloads the pancreas. Minimize it in your diet. Or replace dried apricots πŸ˜… By the way, it relieves swelling

What drink?

  • Plain water, fruit drinks, fresh juices, compote, tea
  • But from soda and sweet juices you need to refuse
  • Don't drink too cold water

And some more useful tips for pregnant women:

  • During the day, you need to rest several times, raising your legs above the body, so that the blood drains and swelling goes.
  • Avoid high heels or platform shoes for a while. Now tight fasteners, lacing, straps are not needed - all this will pinch the vessels of the legs
  • If possible, take a shower or bath during the day. But the water must be at a normal temperature, otherwise you can catch a cold.
  • In the heat, you can make a cooling compress: pieces of ice wrapped in gauze are applied for 1 minute to those places where the pulse is well felt: under the kneecap, to the elbow, to the inside of the wrist.
  • Try to always cover your head
  • And never go outside without water

In fact, everything is not as scary as they say on the Internet.
And if you follow the rules and take care of yourself - even in the summer, your pregnancy will be comfortable for you and your baby ❀️

P.S. Be careful with the air conditioner πŸ˜‰ Better, turn on the air conditioner so that it blows up and cold air does not get on you.